Another reader has asked if being in heat is a real thing. Oh it's a real thing. I feel it. I bet you feel it. Maybe we tend to think of the term mostly with women, but you know why the fuck that is? Cuz there's no science team studying what slutty gay bottoms feels.

Maybe you haven't always been able to articulate it, but it's there.

Let's look at the definition of being in heat "When a female animal is on heat in British English, or in heat in American English, she is in a state where she is ready to mate with a male animal, as this will probably result in her becoming pregnant."

I don't know about you but that describes me about three times a week. One reader over at breeding zone described it so well:

"The longer it goes, the more in-heat I feel, and the more willing I become to do just about anything to take a cock. Inhibitions melt like butter, caution flutters away like a moth in a hurricane, modesty and dignity cease to have any meaning."

And another:

"I call this a male PMS. it comes about every month or so. And it turns me into another person. All of the sudden, all focus is lost and my attention becomes directed solely to channel my sub human faggot need to service men and collect load after load in the most degrading and piggish ways. When in this male PMS, I’ll be on hookup apps lining up another hookup while being fucked.  I’ll let anonymous guys fuck me. I’ll accept really disgusting looking guys. All in the name of this male PMS. Then once the PMS passes, I can resume normal life. Still being a sub pig, because that is after all my place in life, but at least attention can be directed at some other facets of life once the HEAT passes! "

 Of course that's a term that describes the receptive partner, but for the stallions who feel the call to mount and breed, they have their on term "rutting season":  a recurrent period of sexual excitement and reproductive activity in certain male ruminants, such as the deer...

 And I know you fucking feel your rutting seasons. Probably several times a day, but also more during certain times of the year, or in certain situations where holes present themselves. But the real magic happens as we read the full version of what rutting season is:   a recurrent period of sexual excitement and reproductive activity in certain male ruminants, such as the deer, that corresponds to the period of oestrus in females. 

Now THAT, my friends, is where the magic happens. And guess what? The gender of the animal is pretty fucking unnecessary so let's throw that antiquated part of it away.
This is what I've been trying to tell you all along. When you put together a bottom who's in heat and a top who's in rutting season the results are more than sex. More than cumming in an ass. It's fucking mind-blowingly awesome. So seek out like minded sex partner and get to fucking.


  1. I can't agree more with you, I had felt it, last month by work i couldn't even wank so that heat was unbearable I would had let anyone to take me just to control the heat.


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